Saturday, December 22, 2007

Back in the SoFla - So so so far

Photo By: Troy M.

I'm home in Fort Lauderdale for Christmas. It's been a-ok so far. Went out to the wine bar with my mom and her boyfriend last night. Ooooh, Humphrey Bogart is up on
the TV screen at Brew Urban loft cafe. Yummy. Why was Bogie so hot? He was 5'8" and weird looking, but SO hot. Strange. Anyway, last night at the wine bar - Kala's wine bar - in that shopping center on A1A and Oakland I got wasted on some glasses of red and got chatty with the fun crowd there. A nice, loud woman named Erica told my mom how sexy she was and grilled me about my qualifications for writing her life story, which got increasingly amusing as the wine compromised my ability to put 2 and 2 together. Then, we went to my mom's boyfriend's place, where we drank more wine and I proceeded to tell him "how I really feel", which is my new way of saying, "TMI". When you talk someone's head off against your better judgment and his and her will, it's called "telling them how you really feel."

Working today -- doing stuff for my new job at Mahalo, the human powered search engine. I'm having a really good time writing How Tos for that company -- I think this website will be a smash -- actually useful search engine results. Novel. Mahalo also has a social network for contributing your own best ideas for links and search results. You can create a Mahalo profile up by clicking on Create Account on the upper right hand corner of that page. Here's my page, if you want to check it out:

Hecks to the yeahs, people. Sweet Bronco will be back on SoFla landscape in a matter of hours. Very exciting. We might try to book him at a local venue over the next few days. We'll see. Working on it. Working it out. I'm streaming consciousness right now and it feels good -- really, really good -- but I think I'm going to stop anyway so that I'm not sending too much uncensored me-ness (thanks Dupree) out into the universe.