Thursday, February 28, 2008

Snoop copies Chromeo...or do I have double vision?

Don't get me wrong. I think that Snoop's usually an original. His contribution to Dre's Chronic was awesome and his subsequent musical career has been an undeniable success, however uninteresting to me. But, his video for his new song "Sexual Seduction" off his new album Ego Trippin' just caught my eye on VH1 and it was interesting to me for the simple reason that it was a total Chromeo knockoff.

I think this is significant because Chromeo brought this particular style of synth-heavy '80s kitsch back into the arena of underground popular music. A big star like Snoop jumps in and rides the wave of something that's already working and tries to make it look like his own idea. From the strap-on keyboard all the way to singing with a tube in his mouth like Chromeo's Pee Thug, this concept is not a Snoop original. Chromeo is definitely getting their due, but in the years that it takes for artists to build their following, that is to say that by the time that the real mainstream hears of them, they'll be behind Snoop, regarded as knockoffs of him.

We're not talking Avril Lavigne here or anything, but it's still kind of disgusting. Maybe I'm being unfair. What'choo think?

Here's Chromeo's video for "Needy Girl" (So much better by the way).

I can't embed the Snoop video because, despite his attempt to appear lo-fi and original, he's such a big star, but go here if you want to take a look at it:
Snoop "Sexual Seduction" video on You Tube.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

South Floridian Brendan O'Hara came to Los Angeles to play his one-man show at Genghis Cohen once again, and by once again I mean it was his second visit in three months. It was awesome. His show is very entertaining, but he made the whole audience (and me?) sing, "My soul will not be sold," out loud, which is something that I find a little embarrassing to say in public. Anyway, it was a great show and he's a very stylish and inspiring guy. He didn't want to give himself too much credit and say, "200", but he estimates that he played nearly 200 shows this year. That's quite a tour. Go Brendan! Come back to LA some time soon.

Brendan O'Hara

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Crazy Swimming Pool!

The only things worse than jumping in a pool at 6a.m. for a cold morning swim practice...would have to be this. Although, part of me really wants to swim in this pool, wherever it is. Check it out.

Worlds Most Dangerous Swimming Pool - Watch more free videos

Monday, February 4, 2008


There are other photos as cute as this....if I could only find my...

St. Anthony St. Anthony, please take a look around. My ____camera photo transfer cord____ is nowhere to be found. Please help me find it so that I can put more photos up on my awesome blog that nobody reads. Thanks!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I Miss the '80s, dontcha?

If you haven't seen this clip, you have yet to meet your personal hero. This kid is everything that teenagers have forgotten to be since the '80s, when they idolized background characters in high school romantic comedies. Watch it. Love it.

Doggie Wagon

I love this image of a man on the Oakland Park Ave bridge in Fort Lauderdale.

It's so typically and totally Ft. L. Yes, that's a big, brown dog getting towed in the wagon and, yes, I'm pretty sure that man is wearing plaid Jamz.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Friday, January 4, 2008

And I had a baby...This is the Shi...!

Just kidding! Rain did. Look at how beautiful Sid is:

This was the shi... Everyone together with their close ones and in the middle the tiniest of all the little ones ever.

La Spada's was crowded when I visited with Sweet to the Bronco

Sweet to the Bronco can't resist the sweet peppers at La Spadas:

It seems like no one else can resist the sweet peppers either:

We ate a big, yummy cheese hoagie with the La Spada guy's grandma's secret recipe from Jersey. I was still recovering from the Bodies exhibit the day before -- puke!

Fort Lauderdale for the Holidays: A Wild Adventure

I spent the holidays in Fort Lauderdale, my hometown, and it was relaxing and just a lot of fun. I was so tired, though. I didn't even know why, but I hardly had the energy to do anything.
Hardly doesn't mean didn't though. I let "Aunt" Kathy wear my red Christmas jumper. See below:

John listened to all, well most, of my problems. I still have a ton of secrets that I can't wait to share with him:

This was a pretty interesting moment too:

I went for a ride in the MOONVAN with the Horgans, my boyfriend's family.
That's Captain Misty (short for Mister Horgan):

We went to the disgusting Bodies exhibit (puke), which I hated (except for the fact that it is an intensive anatomy lesson and demonstrates how important breathing is to overall health) and then we all went to Cheesecake Factory (gross).

Brit's Smile

Sometimes I think that Brit smiles because she's so embarrassed that she just doesn't know what to do anymore. It's terrifying to think that someone with that much money and that much opportunity to live just can't live any kind of life. It's trabs. It's trabs. It's terrible.

This Britney Shiz is Unbelievable

I guess this is what happens when girls are encouraged to lie about who they are and to perpetuate the myth of today's bankrupt femininity. The essence of women getting their value from external sources (men, from daddy to hubby) and from how they behave (sexy, for example) is the very opposite of self-esteem (understanding your human value with out having to justify it). Go to TMZ and look at Brit's blank face. Poor crazy rich girl.

Juno: "honest to blog", it's lamer than you think it is even if you think you liked it.

Sometimes, a little slice of pop culture like Juno comes along and seems to set the world on fire. Is the world really on fire? Is Juno really enjoyable, or do you just spend most of the time watching the movie preparing to laugh. It's almost like the marketing campaign and the intrigue of another off-the-mark indie-hipster cliche flick convinced people that they should be "getting it" and laughing even though you'd have to be retarded to laugh during this movie. It reminds me of a lame band that I hate called the Moldy Peaches.

Has anyone been sooo over it before?
My boyfriend dragged me to watch them at the Manuel Artime theater in Miami, and as I sat there watching the most annoying people I'd ever seen in my life dance around like they were putting on a skit for grandma, what really puzzled me was why the audience seemed to like it so much. Come to think of it, at the end of Juno the two characters sing a Moldy Peaches song to each other as they strum acoustic guitars. I don't know what's worse, but the audience seemed to like that too. Am I taking crazy pills? Not today anyway.

Also, it's a pretty ridiculous, movie-ruining notion that the Juno character - cute, smart, whatever Ellen Page is most likely - would really fall in love with the Paulie Bleeker (father of the her baby) character -- a character that seems like something Wes Anderson might have farted onto a page in high school - when he's ignored her needs and issues for 9 months. Ellen Page: yay. Diablo Cody: naybe (Is that as clever as "Honest to Blog?"). Michael Cera: nay.