Thursday, September 20, 2007

You've Been Tased.

If you want to get tased, you can do that in Florida or in California. Tasing incidents, apparently, have amazing entertainment value on the campuses of both coasts. Watching someone gets tased really gets your adrenaline pumping.

Last year, a UCLA student was tased in the library, an incident that started when he was asked to show ID at a library. The UF student who got tased on Monday, Andrew Meyer, is obviously one of many, many 20-something males who's pissed off about the state of American politics. From what I can see in these videos, he wasn't just asking questions. He was trying to embarrass John Kerry (and he succeeded) and make his own political point.

But, he didn't start freaking out until campus police grabbed him as soon as he'd finished asking questions. Let's face it: he was kicked out for the content of his questions.

I love to see all of those sweaty, apathetic UF kids get off their asses and swarm that police station.

What's really interesting is the way that John Kerry's reaction was just to try to normalize the abnormal situation. It's the difference between looking presidential and being presidential. I don't get why people who aren't presidential want to be president. Does it really look like a fun job? Do they really have to get millions of people to rally behind them just so that they can watch themselves mimic presidential posture?

UF Tase at John Kerry speech:

UCLA Tase:

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