Monday, October 15, 2007

Tucker Carlson is a tool, Paul Krugman a jewel

If you think that you might really enjoy a Joy Behar-Paul Krugman sandwich and that nothing could ruin that for you, imagine if the meat was the Tucker Carlson.

Last night on Real Time with Bill Maher, no one could string two sensible words together without Tucker Carlson's oral flatulence. He shut the show down and crowded out New York Times columnist Paul Krugman's voice, it's so destructive. Krugman has been writing sanity about the Bush administration and Iraq war for years, long before the official editorial tone of the publication that he writes for, the New Republic (with its subsequent apology) and most major news organizations got off the flag-waving bandwagon. It's annoying enough when a guest runs Bill Maher's show around in illogical circles for an hour, but Tucker Carlson actually misinterprets facts and what everyone says to the point that you can't make sense of the conversation. What a tool!

PS. Nice tie, assclown.

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